Monday, July 21, 2008

Sharm Al Sheikh

Well, I'm not going to be here for the next 4 days. I'm going to a sea-side resort in Sharm Al Sheikh (as much as I hate the beach, I couldn't refuse a full board 4 star hotel, haha). Well, I'll be in the haven of all that is unholy - even surrounded by hundreds of foreigners from all over the world, the local "conservativism" prevails, yet it's not as strong as in any regular city - so I guess I'll have some interesting stuff to talk about when I get back.
I just hope it doesn't get cancelled like last time and I end up looking like a complete idiot on my own blog. Well, see ya!


Scribblers Inc said...

have fun..and yeah...great picture!!:)

Lena said...

hope you are having great fun there!

Voyager said...

That sounds really exciting! I'd kill to be able to travel like that...maybe not kill...that's a bit of an exaggeration.
