I'm back! and in case you didn't get the title, I'm back a little too soon.
To tell you the truth, I had no idea that Egypt had such beautiful places like that, not to mention the amazingly beautiful coral reefs (i couldn't get enough of those!). The only downside was the looooooong 12 hour ride back!
Other than the fact that I realized that Italians are alot more conservative than most other Europian nationalities, two things really stood out.
First, while sitting peacefully on the sand sun-bathing (or rather shade-bathing, because my skin is pretty sensitive to the sun) I noticed a group of Egyptian teens of about 17 like myself sitting a few feet away from me. Beer and cigarettes in hand(as long as you have money, being underage doesn't matter), talking trash about every woman who passes by. I know, since I'm their age and know what they think, that they're merely trying (very hard I might add) to westernize. I think that the difference between westerners and us is that the former live what the Egyptians try to imitate on a daily basis, so they know their own limits, but when we try it, we take it to a whole new level. The three Egyptian teens looked wasted at only 2 PM and were coughing like crazy after all those cigarettes (30 pounds a pack too!).
As for their stares and comments about the girls passing by, I found that to be pretty ordinary behavior - they don't need to be drunk to do that, although I would have liked them to do it with local girls instead of the fireigners; it gives them a really bad impression.
Another group of people sitting close to me, only older, was also interesting to watch. There was nothing wrong with them per say, but it was just my first time to see something of the sort. Three woman, all local, were approached by three local men, strangers, I assumed. Within 15 minutes they were getting drunk and playfully cuddling. All I could think of at the time was: "Someone's getting lucky tonight!" - which they probably did.
Of course, to each his/her own; and I'm not one to stick my nose into other people's business, but I found it appalling that people could get so close without even knowing each other at all. Or am I thinking too much?
One last thing I noticed was that I was a lot more comfortable around the foreigners. Everyone was minding thir own business and I didn't have to think twice before doing anything because of the things that people might say. The foreigners didn't seem to care about what the teenagers were doing, and simply walked by without a second thought. However, the Egyptian women seemed intent on hiding from me; looking or moving away, hiding the beers bottles, etc... which is what people around here do on a daily basis. I wonder why people can't just mind their own business? (It's pretty hard to do that when the people around you are so loud about their business, so sometimes I can't help but at least eavesdrop.)
Anyway, sorry about the long post. Hope you find it interesting...
Looks like a lovely place from that pic :)
People watching is fun,and informative too at times :P
Have a good week ahead!
Well, if I go to a new place I would spend more time looking at sights like buildings, in second place beautiful girls are coming and if I have nothing better to do, I may watch smoking teenagers.
Secondly I wouldn't comment so easy about Europeans because some of them may be upset.
I should make it clear that my post was talking about the things that most stood out during the trip, other than the sights which I spent most of the time visiting. I'm sure any tourist website could have given that sort of information, but I could be wrong.
Also, some may be upset had I said anything upsetting. Of course, what I said might have been misunderstood.
It is a really lovely place, and an enjoyable experience altogether.
Anyway, thank you both for the feedback!
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