Thursday, July 10, 2008

Before I get to what it is I want to say, I want to make it perfectly clear that I'm not some women's rights activist. I merely have something to say about a certain issue.

Living in this part of the world means that I have to deal with people with the most appalling opinions and beliefs on every topic there is. However, there was one that really caught my eye.

In the Egyptian community, a woman's most prized possession is her "purity" or, to make this as blunt as possible, her virginity. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree with that opinion, yet I must address a handful of issues.

First, I find it a mystery how people can be so preoccupied by a thin layer of mucus; the Hymen. Some people are so uneducated about sex that they have inherited old wives tales such as that which said that the blood expelled on a virgin's first time smells like musk. Another amusing superstition says that the more you bleed, the purer you are, which can literally break up a marriage because a newly wed groom might think his bride is not as pure as she should be.

Second, I usually hear this whenever I eavesdrop on any two guys talking: "Yeah, I've picked a really pretty virgin to be my wife." "How do you really know? Maybe she had an operation!"
As for that, I'd like to say one thing. According to Egypt's leading sexologist, Dr. Heba Kotb, a hymen restoration such as the one referred to in the previous quotation is only good for 48 hours. So you be the judge. Where will a woman find a doctor, book an OR, have an operation, recover under observation in the hospital all within 2 days of the wedding night. I find it highly unpractical, and difficult to achieve without anyone taking notice. Even if the operation goes undetected, the slightest bump to the area can and will cause the implant to fall, due to its fragile nature.

Finally, the most important issue I'd like to address. The subject of rape.
It really makes me sad that I live in a country where not only would a man refuse to marry a woman that has been raped with the excuse that "someone has already had her.", but a man would have no trouble whatsoever to completely abandon his fiancee or girlfriend after such an incident, hiding behind the same lame excuse.

I just want to ask, is this the scale by which we measure purity and honour? I'm trying to say that we should not stress the presence of a piece of mucus, but we should concentrate on what that thing actually means; what it represents!

I'd like to end this with a sort of disclaimer. I don't want to be bashed and flamed for praising sex before marriage. I'm a traditional guy with pretty conservative views. I plan to marry a virgin, and I am one myself. But I just wanted to say that sometimes people go a little to far with things like this.

waiting for your feedback...


Khalid said...

I just thought that I should elaborate on something. After reading my post, it came to my attention that I sound like somewhat of a hypocrite towards the end. In particularly the part about planning to marry a virgin. It's not a plan, or a criteria that I go around looking for. However, one thing is for sure. I would not be one of the guys who I referred to in my discussion of a rape victim. The whole idea is that I am trying NOT to be a hypocrite. i choose to marry a virgin became I myself choose to remain one. However, had I decided to engage in premarital sexual acts, it would not even be my right to demand that of the woman I wish to marry.

I'm starting to ramble. I've made my point, I think.

a penny for your thoughts on the issue...

Inspector Clouseau said...

You generate good stuff Khalid. this is the second piece which I have read. You also appear to have a very clear and level head on your shoulders. Keep it up. I really think that you will enjoy my blog. You know how to cut through the foolishness.

David Caldarelli said...

You have some very interesting articles here. And I look forward to reading your next post. In fact I will subscribe to your feed.

Anonymous said...

:| Hymen restoration? You learn something new everyday. Do these males know that some female's are born without a hymen? I guess she wouldn't have much luck...

Holly said...

True on what Dove says. Some women are born without Hymens. Some also lose theirs through non-sexual means.

I'm enjoying your point of view. You don't come off sounding like a hypocrite at all, I wouldn't worry.

I have two male friends in Pakistan who I love and cherish so dearly, they seem to have the same point of view as you, but your words give me more insight.

And where is the Masculism? I'm all for equal rights. I'd love to see more insight from a man's point of view, especially when it comes to love and marriage and common society.

Keep it up. And if you read my blog, please don't be offended.