Sunday, July 13, 2008

"She's my sister!"

So far in this blog, I have failed to mention the role of the male counterpart of the subject of my blog.

"She's my sister!"

This sentence, I once thought, was something I would only hear on a show like 'Friends' when Ross found out that Chandler was having sex with his sister Monica. However, it has recently come to my attention that I am, as always, greatly mistaken.

Recently I've learned two new lessons in life. One: I goes unsaid that my male friends are not supposed to see pictures of my sister.
One Monday morning, I was standing with a group of friends (of both sexes) just talking. A guy decides to take out pictures of family members and show them to us, one of which was a picture of his little sister. I assumed that the pictures would go around us all and held my hand out to the person next to me. Suddenly the owner of the pictures tell me: "You can't, dude! She's my sister!" Till now I still don't understand why. It can't be because of the only reason I can think of because she's way too young (around 13), and I just can't find an explanation for it. So I'm left with this life lesson: Be unwilling to show guys pictures of your sister.

The second lesson was a result of the following event:
A friend of mine was telling me about his little sister who happened to go to the same high school as I did last year. Later that day I met a cousin who is also a student at the same school, and asked conversationally: "Is there a girl named so-and-so in your class?" after which he said "No."
A few days later I told the friend that no one seems to know his sister there. And the would not be lying if I said that I was absolutely amazed by the reaction. He said angrily: "How could you ask about my sister like that? She's my sister for God's sakes!"
So lesson number two: Never mention a friend's sister to anyone else other than the brother.

Will someone please objectively explain those two events for me. Were those reactions reasonable? I don't know how a brother would feel in a situation like that because I only have brothers, so I can't judge. So if you can help me with that part, please do. Because if they were just being a little overprotective, I'd like to know. I don't want to draw conclusions about people before knowing the whole story.

I know this much though:
I as a male have the advantage of being able to engage in any sort of sexual activity because there is no medical method to determine if I actually did or not. This results in the fact that when a guy has sex before marriage, it's called "youth", but when a girl does it, she's a whore (I do not condone either case, so in my mind both are whores).
I don't think that the save "advantage" as men, but that men be stripped of it altogether, in order to make it equal. If a man is to demand a "pure" wife, then I think it's only fair that he be the same. Or am I mistaken.


Shashank said...

At 17!, this sort of confusion is pretty valid mate ! give some time and you will find that people were filling u r mind with garbage in the name of looking out for you . your words show excellent maturity.. but debating with people who are convinced by nothing is just wasting u r thoughts .. and ya those sister incidents are absolute over reactions in any heights of conservative society that my mind can imagine ... good luck man , look to convince yourself not others .

Anonymous said...

I'm so shocked by the sister thing =\.

You should elaborate more on the concept of sex. The fact is that sex has as much meaning as you want to give it. I think the worst thing is that people give it too much meaning and that's where the problems arise.

The cup is half full of something I don't like said...

I have an older sister, so I wasn't quite as protective. But as I guy, I know all the thoughts and desires other guys probably have when they see a pretty woman. It is pretty creepy thinking that people might be having those thoughts/desires about your sister. We used to bath together when I was three. She would read to me to go to sleep when I was older. She was my main playmate until I was around 10. People should think about her that way, especially my friends.

lil'piggy said...

Good write! Good read!
As for the sister thing, I have no idea why you got the reactions you did. Seem a little strange to me.
And hey, I agree with you. Nothing stupider than a guy that sleeps with a 100 girls but expects to marry a virgin!

Khalid said...

Thanks for the insight guys..

Dove, what do you mean by 'elaborate more on the concept of sex'?

The cup is half full of something I don't like said...

I like the new look better. Much improved.

Miss Building Blocks said...

Hey Everyone-

Just a little intro about myself and my blog. I am a 20-year old
college student residing in Michigan and majoring in Accounting. I
work part-time and attend school full-time. I'm also a member of a
sorority on campus, and founder of an AIDS activist org on campus as
well. Did I mention that I tutor students in Accounting courses, and
young students in elementary education? Yea, I stay pretty busy!

I created Miss Building Blocks for young adults between the ages of
13-18 to aid them in their transformation from middle to high school,
and high school to college. On my blog they can find information about
financial aid, how to fill out a college application, what major to go
into, which schools to choose, preparation for ACT/SAT/PSAT etc.,
scholarships and grant info, study abroad information, relationship
advice, info about your credit and ways to improve saving habits.

I basically wanted to do this because as a college student, I
understand that the resources are out there, but not readily
accessible for some.

If you know anyone in this age group that you feel can benefit from
these life lessons, please refer them to my blog. It is very new, not
even a week old, but the content will continue to grow over time. I
hope to have a lot of solid information on there by Sept. 1st, 2008!
Stay posted, and thanks everyone!

Miss Building Blocks

Priya Joyce said...

I really liked ur post.
I guess at 17 people r quite mature and not as the others think.
I guess infact want 2 read another post lik this.

Anonymous said...

it's about that "over-protectiveness", i sometimes feel it too towards my brother. i think it's funny though haha