Saturday, July 12, 2008

You make a good point about the actual reason why they seem to act in the way they do. But I have a little to say about it.
Although religion plays an important role in the issue, I doubt that it's the principal cause of the problem. What I believe to be the issue here is not the dictations of a certain religion, but the misconceptions people have about it, and the social morals which were later derived from them.
Let me elaborate with a simple example:
In Islam (the predominant religion in my region) women are required to wear a head scarf. A HEAD scarf, not the head to toe blanket that you might find women here, in Pakistan, Afghanistan, or Iran wearing. This is a perfect example of what happens in our society; people are given a certain rule to apply to daily life, which they misunderstand, and thus build upon them the most peculiar superstitions and beliefs, which is what I think happened with the issue I've been discussing.
It is encouraged that opposite sexes try not to be around one another for too long, or for something other than work, etc... This of course was taken out of context and became: "A woman must never coem in any sort of contact with a male unless she is to be wed to that man. The only contact should be extremely brief, and avoided altogether if possible."
Is this just ignorance that has been passed down from generation to the next? Or is there more to it that I don't understand? I hope you can help me figure this out...


Anonymous said...

I do agree completely with what you have said. I know of the Islamic Religion to a certain extent as my bestfriend is Muslim, and as you have implied I also agree that it is not the religion which is causing the problem, but people "abusing" the religion so to speak.

I think for a change to happen both males and females need to decide they want it to happen. I think it's terrible that the women are abiding by these ridiculous social norms. They really need to come out and to say, "hey, this isn't what we want". Do any women do that? What are the consequences if they do? And then it is also up to the males to help these women and also stick up for their rights.

Maybe put some Simone De Beauvoir books into their bags for them to read ;) haha.

I can't remember if I said this in the other comment I had left you, but I think it is really fantastic that you were writing about such a thing, especially as a male, that you see a flaw in your society and you want it changed.

Can I also ask however, how do these women eventually end up marrying? Must it all be arranged?

And thank you for the comment on my blog! I'm thoroughly happy that you enjoyed it, you should in that case keep reading =P!

lil'piggy said...

give any religion time and changes will consequently take place in the duration. Some of the changes are for the good, while some changes... well lets just say, they need to be reversed. It isnt just Islam, it is all denominations. As a Mennonite, I witness the same things happening.... with time, some things gain importance while other things lose importance. And in my opinion, religion is no different from anything else... you take what you want and what you can use, and you leave the rest.

Shashank said...

I am tempted to ask u to read "atlas shrugged" by ayn case u havent read it ..

Khalid said...

Is it any good, frisco? what about?