Saturday, July 19, 2008

I've never been fond of statistics, beause you an never know how accurately a given sample can represent a population. But today I was proven wrong. I didn't read about a statistic, but watched three people from a distance who represented every other person I had ever met.

Two women dressed in what could have been considered provocative clothes (tight jeans and sleeveless shirts, etc...) were walking in the street - I'd just like to add that they were basically asking for a verbal harrassing by walking in the street they had chosen. To walk in front of a coffee shop filled with unemployed, middle aged, sexually frustrated men wearing tight jeans is like signing your own deathcertificate - Anyway, the whole street began to verbally abuse them, whistle, hiss at them, all them whores, prostitutes, etc...which left them cursing at the men and then crying by the time they had passed that street. Not long after, an old woman, who seemed to have grown up during a better time, screamed at the men at the top of whatever was left of her lungs about how what they were doing was wrong and unsophisticated.

Here's my conclusion from all this. The two girls represent the inredibly naive part of society, who sould know where to be and where to avoid at all costs. The men, of course, need no further explanation. And the old woman, who despite her good intentions, couldn't just keep her nose out of other people's business.

As impossible as this may sound, if everyone just minded their own business (letting people wear whatthey want without making a huge scene, etc...) we wouldn't have all these problems. I suppose a person could express disapproval of something, as is his/her right, but not by making everyone stare at someone for it, or make a scene by shouting for the whole world to hear about it. But I also think thatthissort of behavior is second nature to most people, and it would be naive to think thatthey would be willing to do otherwise. After all, who doesn't enjoy a nice big scene.


Anonymous said...

i dress like that ><

but i guess it's different in other countries lol

but yeah, even if that type of clothing is more common around here and not provocative, the comments and stares are still present, and it's still annoying.

Khalid said...

thanks for all the comments :) I'm glad you like the blog.

Sameera Ansari said...

That was such cheap and uncivilized behavior on part of those men.

It's high time people broadened their mindset.

Thanks for dropping by my blog!

live your life. said...

yeah thats the least you could say.. haha
but i just started this thing so i dont really know how to work it im sorry. haha ill add some stuff soooN!

Meghna said...

Hi Khalid,
New here but loved your space :P
I think what I've got to say is already being said by the amny people who have commented here :)
I agree with Sameera and noelia :(