Friday, July 18, 2008

Practice what you preach.

A petty yet significant problem left me in a moral dilemma yesterday. In short, I posted a photo of a friend and myself on my facebook account. A cousin of mine happened to tell me that she thought my friend looked cute in his T-shirt. (which I later mentioned to the friend but changed the details by saying it the cousin's 4-year-old sister who had said that about him - don't ask me why the hell I even told him, sometimes I don't think) Anyway, the comments reached facebook and my cousin saw them and was extremely upset.
Nevertheless, I explained the situation and all was back to normal. Later that same day the friend posted a comment on the photo that I personally had no objection to, but would cause significant trouble if it got out.
So I was now faced with two choices: 1)To leave the comment and endure the concequences and embarrassment over this petty issue with my family for the next week, or 2) Go against all I believe and delete the comment - which I have nothing against - and save myself all the trouble, which would make me a hypocrite.
I went, after long deliberation, with number (2). :( I felt that I wasn't practicing what I preached, and this blog is meaningless if I go against what I believe at such a trivial issue such as this one. Needless to say, I felt bad about it, but felt good that I'd saved a lot of time that would have gone to arguing for soemthing more useful.

So does this make me a hypocrite? I don't know. But I did the right thing according to my own judgement.

1 comment:

Voyager said...

An action can be hypocritical, but it definitely doesn't make you a hypocrite. It all depends on you circumstances, you know? The pros outweighed the cons, and while it could've been against your "morals" it really wasn't a big enough deal to endure what it would've caused. Choice 2 was probably the better pick, and it does not make you a hypocrite.
