Monday, December 1, 2008

First of all, allow me to apologize for the long absence. My internet connection hasn't been at its best lately, and I'm in the middle of midterms.

As always, the events of my life or events of those around me have always been the inspiration behind most of my posts...this post is no different.

Let me ask you a question: What line must someone cross in order for his behaviour to be considered sexual harrassment? Is there an acceptable limit to physical contact or not? if so, what is it?

I ask this because I didn't actually witness the following situation happen and would like a second oppinion. In short, a professor walked past a female student (note that this particular professor is both incredibly horny and sexually deprived - a dangerous combination of course) and slapped her on the thigh saying: "hey there pretty lady!" or anything's difficult to translate :)

Naturally, the dumbfounded young student burst into tears and ran out of the classroom screaming. After we calmed her down, I asked why she didn't take any official action against him, and was surprised to hear this: "He's my professor and controls my grades! I can't do that!"
Of course, we are all used to the whole concept of 'the college professor is God', but aren't there limits even for an all powerful God? In any other country, would this even be an issue?

Another common instance is when a man can grope any random woman on a bus with the excuse of "she wanted it! Look at how she's dressed!" and have everyone actually agree with his point of view and congratulate him for his act!
Or for instance, when a man can grab a woman by the crotch and recieve a standing ovation from the people sitting at the nearby coffeeshop.

All of the previous examples clearly exemplify sexual harrassment, but my question is quite simple: Why is it so common and accepted and what is the limit at which you have to stop and say to yourself: "that was inappropriate."?


Bruce Johnson said...

Again, you have to take this in the context of the culture that is occurs in. All the scenerios you describe would be considered blantant sexual harrassment in the United States and could result in arrest, confinement, termination of employement or heavy fines. "Could" be the optimal word. Here in the US it all depends on whether or not the woman wants to pursue the issue. There is morally right and then there is practical. Many times it is just not practical for the woman to pursue a pat on the ass.

I know the standard in any American office is that it is considered sexual harrassement if the woman (or man) is made to feel 'uncomfortable' based on someone else actions, which is a pretty broad definition.

Sexual harrassment is still rampant in the lower levels of American Society, but when it ocurrs in the upper levels, we tend to make examples out of these people and they are publicly disgraced.

margeauxmargeaux said...

". . .when a man can grab a woman by the crotch and recieve a standing ovation from the people sitting at the nearby coffeeshop."

This is a difficult topic, because there are so many different definitions of what is or is not sexual harassment- not just internationally, or locally.. it really seems that everyone has developed their own opinion on this. but it's hard to know where to draw the line between right and wrong, with something so ambiguous! I personally, think that something is sexual harrasment when it makes the woman feel uncomfortable. Its simple as that. also, there are certain instances when the male doesnt realize what he is doing will provide weeks of *shudder..* moments for the unlucky lady. this is why there need to be a more clearly defined set of rules about these things.... yikes!~~~~~~