Monday, November 10, 2008

I love when someone has the courage to admit something embarrassing about him/herself infront of the whole world. But sometimes there are certian things left that should be left unsaid. Sometimes that thing can be common knowledge yet people choose not to speak of it because it's just not discussion material.
One such insance is the things that American new anchors seem compelled to say...
It was two days after Obama was announced the new president of the free world, after America's image had just stared to improve in the eyes of the international community and the prospect of change began to flood the minds of millions that a news anchor on CBS News decided to speak:

"Now matter how hard she tries and how much she talks about serious stuff like poverty, war, and human rights, all people really care about the first lady Michelle Obama, is what she's wearing!!"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but despite the fact that the statement is perfectly true, is that something you have to spell out so bluntly to the entire world on international television like that? Am I over-reacting to the unbeleivably stupid remark that the nice anchor made?

The eloquent young woman went on to run a nicely edited reportage of all the first lady's clothes throughout the two years of campaigning.
After the world had finally begun to take the American public seriously, she has to go say something as stupid as that! What is a regular person watching CBS supposed to think about the general American public after watching a "news" report such as that?

Another similar situation is the fact that ALL channels, satellite or otherwise, are talking about nothing but The Obamas' new puppy for the white house...picking out the perfect breed and color all the way down to the length of its nose hair! Forget the crumbling economy, forget Iraq and Palestine/Israel, all that doesn't even compare to the gravity of the choice of dog that the Obama family is now faced with!

Is it too much to ask that people at least try to pretend that they're even the slightest bit intellectual? It doesn't hurt to pretend that you care about something of meaning, really!


Capitán Killington said...

yeah. major newspapers in my country have also gone stupid.

The new obama puppy can be puertorican!


Bruce Johnson said...

In short....American media is for the dumb-asses. Most 'educated' people know this and rarely watch it except for entertainment purposes. There is little real 'news' on broadcast or cable television. I think it is about time that the rest of the world realized that. Otherwise, you might as well beleive that Pravda really does mean 'Truth' and that Chinese news really isn't censored.