Friday, December 12, 2008

Has there been anyone in your life who simply annoyed the hell out of you? someone so dumb that every time he or she breathed, it struck a nerve and made you want to peel off your own skin and eat it! Of course no one is immune to the idiocy of his fellow man, but how much are some people wiling to put up with for certain perks that this irritating friendship has to offer?

Let us consider the figment of my imagination (derived from reality), Mark! Mark happens to have a gigantic belly, and smalls of something so bad at all hours of the day, they still haven't discovered a name for it. Mark is also very low in the IQ, annoying, and has nex to no sense of humor and/or intellect whatsoever! Despite his many flaws, Mark hapens to have the one thing that separates us from the primates - MONEY! Or a very comfy, and expensive set of wheels to be more precise. Now don't get me wrong; I try my best to walk he walk and not just talk the talk, so being friends with a guy just because he has a car is something I find apalling to een consider. However, this is my argument:

Despite the fact that his idea of a joke is so lame that I have to keep my genitals from falling off after hearing it, he's not a bad guy - he's kind and doesn't go out of his way to hurt anyone. So he's pretty decent, but sometimes that's just NOT enough. I find myself, and my friends included, calling him only because he has a car and we like to go to places that are pretty far away. And what makes me okay with the whole arrangement is the fact that he seems to be okay with it. He pretty much has a good idea of what's going on and doesn't object, and sometimes even begs us to go out with his saying: "Don't worry, I have the car today!"

I'm sure you can relate wo this situation, who hasn't been where I've been at one point or another?


margeauxmargeaux said...

This reminds me, when I was a bit younger (12 or 13) there was this girl Justine who lived in our neighbourhood. These are the reasons nobody liked her:
#1 she's fat.. nobody likes a fatty
#2 annoying

So I guess people didn't like her because she was annoying and fat, then. But, like Mark, she had something we wanted.. AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF BOOZE BECAUSE HER PARENTS OWNED AN LCBO(a.k.a. the only chain of liquour stores in Ontario). One day we went down to her basement. In the basement, there was a walk-in refridgerator. In the refridgerator there lay an alcoholic fantasy room. Wall-to-wall varieties of booze. . .we asked her if we could take it. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if her parents would notice. She looked worried, but she let us anyway. That night, six pre-teens got drunk at Justine's possible expense. In return, we said she could come with us. And we continued to do this several times, for the same reason- she didn't seem to care.

Years later I realized that my friends and I were horrible, horrible children.

Khalid said...

sounds pretty much like my situation, except that I have yet to come to the conclusion that my friends and I are horrible people. lol.
thanks for sharing :D