Saturday, October 4, 2008

Catching the wrong train.

This post was inspired by a comment I received for a previous post on my blog, because I thought this was an issue worth mentioning.

Globalization has come to hold so many meanings in today's society. For most it means modernization of a country's industrial projects, or even switching from an agricultural economy to an industrial one. In many cases it may mean the transfer of different technological advances from their place of origin to the rest of the world. However, for the third world, and Egypt in particular, globalization holds a whole new meaning for its people.

The introduction of satellite television, courtesy of France, in Egypt in 1998 marked the beginning of a new era for Egyptian society. Music channels exploded into the public eye; celebrity fashion, gossip, and propaganda became the very center of people's lives. All that was new in the world of nothing was on the minds and tongues of the entire population...
If you walk in the streets of Cairo or Alexandria today, you will be amazed how low a waistline can go. With boy's crotches at their knees and girls skirts lifted as high as their necks, the influence of western Civilization becomes crystal clear. Nowadays, a celebrity's single whim can in a few days become the latest fad - like our very own Tamer Hosny and his barnyard chest hair, or Mekki and his mushroom-cloud haircut.
As far as I'm concerned, there has not been a single worthwhile achievement in the third world as a result of their so-called globalization. People today know more about Britney Spears' anti-psychotic medication than they do about the global economic crisis.

So as I continue to be forced to look at people's boxers and panties wherever I go in the street, and listen to the never ending fads, I bid farewell to any glimmer of hope of modernization, if there really ever was one to speak of. As a fitting end to this post, I'd like to say that I leave my computer now under a cloud of shame to go watch "Match the celeb to their cellulite!" since the TV has nothing of value to offer me!


Life Outside A Mask said...

I know what you mean. This world is all about celebrities now-a-days. With all the girls that I hangout with, it's all about celebrities, boys, and when their next shopping trip is. There is no point of talking to them about anything serious because I would only get blank stares. Grr. I'm really sick of seeing guys' pants down to their ankles. Why bother wearing pants if you don't WEAR them? And girls are no better! We shoulnd't be showing off our bodies like that. Sorry for babbling. I really like your blog. Keep it up!

Khalid said...

thanks a lot! keep reading :)

Life Outside A Mask said...

Don't worry, I will! ; )

Bruce Johnson said...

Match the celbrity to their cellulite...owww, I want to watch that!!!

It isn't the medium that is the issue here, it is the messenger. Technology offers endless possibilities, but the people that control it pander to the lowest common denominator of the masses.

An educated populace craves knowledge and understanding, and ingnorant populace wants to look and act like Brittany Spears. Sadly, the magority are pretty ignorant.

Ammietia (a girl you once knew) said...

I hate how influential celebrities are these days, and how celebrities abuse that power. Now any celebrity that wants to do good is pushed out of the spotlight by those who, as you have seen, bring up the skirts and down the pants.

Its a sad realization, knowing our civilization is doomed because of "Globalization". And it could have been different, globalization could have been good, if those with influence didn't poison it with such stupid ideas.

Khalid said...


yes, unfortunately the majority seem to actually be interested in this sort of meaningless propaganda. It's quite rare for me to find anyone who is willing to get near the topics of politics, religion, and recent events. And even harder to find anyone who has subjective, non-biased opinions regarding those matters.

I don't think the issue is any real lack of serious debatable topics, but the fact that it's so difficult to find nowadays that people find it easier to just talk about J.Lo's diet rather than go all the way to a bookstore for a good read.

Capitán Killington said...

People know more about Hannah Montana than any type of politics.

Now said...

it was one of those posts which i have been longing to read there maybe a million bloggers but its sad to say only a few like you address such topics as this. im from Maldives and i can assure you that the problem is not only happening there but even in our small archipelago the so called globalisation has changed our life's a lot. hope you adress more such topics and best of luck

*~*Ryn*~* said...

Yes... materialistic people are all over the world but it's important to remember that amid all the people who only think about tabloids, there are a few people who worry about the important issues.

PS. hey there! Nice blog you got here. Loved reading through it. :D

Khalid said...

thanks for the responses guys, keep coming back :)