Sunday, June 28, 2009

FuNkY AraBs!!!!!

The new-born, lebanese music "sensation", Jad Choueiry just released his newest "masterpiece". Yet another superb creation to add to the never ending list of his ridiculous sorry excuse for Musical talent. His new music video, if it can even be called that, is titled: Funky Arabs.

This magnificent work of pornography is meant to change people's view of Arabs, more specifically, to make people stop thinking of Arabs as bearded terrorists. However, the message is actually sends may be even worse than the preconceived notion of "Bin Laden". Choueiry's message of: "Let the funky Arabs turn you on tonight..." as he massages his six-pack all the while gawking at a belly-dancer's nude body, seems to give the idea that "...Arabs are pimps and whores just like the people we're copying in this song!..." So not only does it demean women of any ethnicity, Arabs and their religion, and the conservative eastern community from which he is, but it also demeans the "funky" people of the developed world as if saying that all they do is party until dawn, drink, have sex, and look pretty.

For me at least, this idiotic piece of trash does nothing but insult my intelligence, and the aspiring pimp, Jad Choueiry seems to have outdone himself, and I personally can't wait for his next work of "art"

Here's a link to the video if you're interested in watching:

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