Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bobos: An all new cinematic low

I'm not one for movie reviews, and the subject of this blog is far from that, but last night I had the "honour" of wasting 15 EGP on Adel Imam's new sorry excuse for a movie: Bobos!

As always, the za'eem (Leader), Adel Imam, has made yet another pointless movie, which tells the story of a man who did nothing, and fell in love with a woman who dressed like a prostitute. One would think that a motion picture with names such as Hassan Hosny, Ezat Abu Ouf, Lotfy Labeeb, Adel Imam, and the infamous Yousra, would amout to something, yet your hopes of seeing a movie that made you stop and think about it's story are quickly crushed like a bug under your shoe.

Bobos, who is the son of an important government official, is the object of Imam's bribes to get loand from banks. One would think that the movie would continue in that sequence to discuss the ramifications of bribes on both ends of the social ladder, but NO! The 70-year-old Imam, who is probably impotent and living on his former glory, proceeds throughout the 1.5 hours to massage women's thighs, french kiss countless women, including a disgusting, stomach-turning all out tonguing with Yousra in the end of the movie.

Other than the pointlessness of the movie, it's riddled with demeaning sexual innuendoes and connotation. I'll be the first to admit that I was laughing my head off all throughout the movie, but in the end what did I gain from the movie? what, if any, is the lesson I've learned from Adel Imam groping a thong?...

Therefore, I consider Bobos to be a new low in Adel Imam's cinematic career, as well as Egyptian Cinema, and I consider every penny they earn from this filthy, tabloid, TV movie a waste of the county's tax-payer's money.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

FuNkY AraBs!!!!!

The new-born, lebanese music "sensation", Jad Choueiry just released his newest "masterpiece". Yet another superb creation to add to the never ending list of his ridiculous sorry excuse for Musical talent. His new music video, if it can even be called that, is titled: Funky Arabs.

This magnificent work of pornography is meant to change people's view of Arabs, more specifically, to make people stop thinking of Arabs as bearded terrorists. However, the message is actually sends may be even worse than the preconceived notion of "Bin Laden". Choueiry's message of: "Let the funky Arabs turn you on tonight..." as he massages his six-pack all the while gawking at a belly-dancer's nude body, seems to give the idea that "...Arabs are pimps and whores just like the people we're copying in this song!..." So not only does it demean women of any ethnicity, Arabs and their religion, and the conservative eastern community from which he is, but it also demeans the "funky" people of the developed world as if saying that all they do is party until dawn, drink, have sex, and look pretty.

For me at least, this idiotic piece of trash does nothing but insult my intelligence, and the aspiring pimp, Jad Choueiry seems to have outdone himself, and I personally can't wait for his next work of "art"

Here's a link to the video if you're interested in watching:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Being an teenager, it's nothing out of the ordinary to be interested in sex and anything to do with it, but is it possible to become too sexed-up? Especially in a conservative eastern society where premarital sex is frowned-upon, therefore making the people all the more horny.

I've been friends with my best friend for nearly 5 years now, and I cannot recall a single occasion where we actually discussed something of substance or importance. Nearly all our conversations are about sexual positions, sexual encounters and anything to do with the act of intercourse. Not to mention the swearing and cursing which is all of course derived from any sort of sexual act.

Furthermore, whenever a girl is mentioned, even in passing, during a conversation, whatever it may be, the first thing that would come to anyone's mind is: "Is she pretty? Does she have a nice body?..." and so on, and so forth. I have no problem in talking trash and having a laugh every once in a while, but does it have to be every waking second of every day? Is it weird to be so sick of sex that you want to vomit? I think it has something to do with the fact that people are so sexually repressed that it becomes all they can ever think about, until they finally get married and have sex for the first time in their lives.

However, what annoys me the most is not the fact of the constant sex talks, but the fact that every time I try, or even hint at, a subject of substance and meaning, my attempts are quickly thwarted by some amusing remark about some girls behind, or a sex joke that makes us all burst into hollers of laughter and tears of joy. For example, just yesterday I mentioned the egyptian soccer team's scandal involving the call-girls in their hotel rooms the night before their big match (which they lost 3-0 to the US), only to have a friend cut me off mid-sentence to say: "What do you think a blow job would feel like?!"

So you tell me, where exactly is the problem here? Because I am at a loss of what to think...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Summer vacation

Yesterday I attended the last of this year's finals, and am now free for the next three months. In the month and a half which the exams were held, I came across all that is new in the world of cheating. With the introduction of all the new technological advances, it has made it all the more easy to cheat. Even without cell-phones and Ipods, etc...people seem to come up with the most elaborate to cheap on exams.

The most common method I came across was that of the eraser, where the cheater would toss me his eraser saying: "here's the rubber you wanted!" so as to make it seem legitimate, all the while winking at me and motioning a flick of a pen with his hand. I of course must comply and proceed to write the MCQ, true or false, and complete answers on the rubber and pretend to use it, then toss it back saying: "Thank you!"

Likewise, another method is simply to gesture to the cheater using 1,2,3 or 4 fingers, indicating answers a through d. which is the most difficult because it involves constant eye contact and physical activity that can easily be detected by the proctor during the exam.

Yet another method, which I prefer over the other two, is to write the answers on the back of the door/s of bathroom stalls and motion inconspicuously to the cheater indicating that the answers are there.

Last but not least, and my personal favourite, is to send the answers of MCQ, true or false, and complete vis SMS to the cell-phones of the cheater during the exam, either by going to the bathroom in the middle, or leaving the exam ten minutes early to do so.

So there you have it! A month and a half of cheating experience at your service.

Note: I would hever be stupid enough to receive answers from anyone in any of those manner, because I trust only myself when it comes to exams. therefore I only give people answers!