Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sometimes thing's aren't what they seem...

I know I have a whole other blog that discusses stuff like this, but since that was a practice blog, I'm going to post it here.

FACEBOOK: Friend or foe?

Facebook has become, at least in the arab world, the center of the lives of all its youth. No one between the ages of 13 and 25 doesn't have one (or more) accounts. It has infiltrated people's lives like an incurable disease, that continues to infect people as time passes. By this I mean that it is the number one - no exageration there - cause of any personal arguments or quarrels in the area...sometimes even on the professional level.
First, there's the issue of photos. When is it okay to post a picture of someone, and when is it not? Is there some position that is not allowed or something? also, is there some sort of guideline for commenting on photos that we should all know of? When is a joke simply a joke and when is it an insult. Why do people begin to treat each other like dirt when one deletes another from a friend list? Why should it matter? Does text have a tone, and can it be misunderstood or taken as a compliment or an insult at will? All these questions have been running through my mind because of a recent incedent because the hellhole that is facebook.
All this being said, I have no intention of deactivating my facebook account. As bad as its effect is on people's social lives, it's also a good tool to keep in touch with certain people. However, I maintain that facebook has and will always have a more negative effect on people that a positive one. Also, I intend of deleting most of my photos very soon - I for one can do without the daily drama of facebook and facebookers...


Anonymous said...

Why do they need more accounts?

Khalid said...

to use their alter ego/fake identity to get to know people of the opposite sex. lol...

Anonymous said...

guilty.. i have a facebook too lol it's so common these days, you just expect people to have it. and yeah, it can get annoying, but it's also the perfect way to keep in touch w/ friends you never see or talk to on the phone.

Benaam Badnaam said...

i wouldn't call it bad...its another form of evolution of the society