Saturday, August 9, 2008


About the whole message from the girl thing...

At first I thought it was some kind of moral dilemma she was going through, since she's known to make such a big deal out of absolutely nothing at all, but now I realized the reason was far more pathetic than that, if it can actually get any more pathetic.

A few days ago, a mutual friends, who happened to be male, made a few sarcastic comments on her photos in retaliation for a few comments that she had posted on his (The fact that she posted pictures of herself on her profile is enough to make me think she's not as simple minded as the rest of the girls I know, which I soon found to be completely false.)
After reading the comments, the girl posted this on his wall:

"Why don't you just stop commenting on my photos because I'm not amused, and I'm starting to get sick of you!"

note: in my opinion, the comments were perfectly respectable, and didn't deserve such a post.

The mutual friend then posted on her wall:

"Thank you very much for your decency. I wouldn't have expected anything else from a girl like you!"

Then he blocked her. After that, she sent us all the message that I posted below.
Knowing how petty and incredibly childish she is, I came to a conclusion: She did it simply to save face. To say that she deleted all the boys from her profile, instead of saying she had a fight with one and he blocked her first.

What surprised me most wasn't how stupidly ridiculous this quarrel is, but the fact that exactly two months ago, the same girl went absolutely ballistic when another mutual friends "embarrassed" her by posting in public that he disapproved of her posting his picture without his knowledge. If it was such a big deal then, then why did she post on the guy's wall like that? I don't get it.

I'm glad I found out what was going on because frankly it was driving me nuts, haha! But there's no way in hell that I'm getting between these two after all those fights I've seen from the sidelines. I'm definitely sitting this one out (Which is going to drag on all the way to the next academic year because we won't see her till then).


Anonymous said...

that's just insecurities, i don't like people that are like that xD

Preeti said...

sounds rather complicated...but all's well that ends well...