Monday, August 4, 2008

I recently received this message on my facebook account:

"el msg di lkol el shabab elly homma dmn my friends 3al facebook
ana karart ykon profily "GIRLS ONLYYYYYY"
ana msh 3yza 7ad yz3al mnni,di ra3'bty w wallahy msh waraha dafe3 sha5sy 2tgah 2y 7ad fikom
ento fe3lan kolokom nas mo7taramien w kan sharaf lya enny 2t3araf 3alikom..
w blnsba lzamayly fil college ana 3'ayart el privacy w t2daro tb3atoly msgs low fi 7aga b5sos el drasa
ana bgd 2sfa :(
bs ana shaifa enno da 27san lya
nice to know u all w salam :) "

roughly translated:

"This message is to all the boys who are on My Friends on facebook. I've decided to make my profile GIRLS ONLY. I don't want any of you to get upset, and I want you to know that it's what I want and that I harbor no animosity towards any of you. You're all very respectable people and it's been an honor knowing you.
As for those of you who go to college with me, I've changed the privacy setting to allow you to send me messages about anything concerning our studies.
I'm really sorry but I think it's better this way, nice to know you and salam!"

I have one question. What's up with that?!!! I mean, this is the same girl who deactivated her facebook account a few months ago for the same reason. If it's such a big deal then why keep making new accounts? I just don't get it. And she also said that we're all "very respectable" so why the sudden change of heart? Plus, her profile is visible only to friends, so I don't see how any "unrespectable" guys could do anything.

I'm just at a loss of what to think, haha. This was the last person I thought would do something as weird as this. I don't even want to ask why the hell she did that because I know she'll turn it into this huge dramatic, moral dilemma. So if anyone knows what that was, please tell me.


Preeti said...

she is either confused...
wants to but doesnt want to...

or naughty...
keep the guys guessing, wondering, questioning...

look at yourself...arent you doing that?

jokes apart... can be anything you know...can be everything and nothing too...

it can get pretty cumbersome, no? why cant people be transparent?

Khalid said...

I think she's just confused, naughty isn't really her thing - or any other girl around here for that matter.
I think I'll just ask her what's wrong when I see her.
But I must say, I was disappointed because I thought that she was a little different than most of them, and respected the fact that she had the decency to tell us about it, haha (others just block you without even giving a heads up) =)

Preeti said...

yeah maybe you should ask her...directness mostly works...i say mostly because at times it can cause a major 'clam up'

and true...

many people block up without explanations...
one day they are all friendly and the next day it is weird and monosyllabic...

'block'heads... ha ha ha...

Anonymous said...

Well for me the style she types is confusing.

Khalid said...

how so, ropi? I f you don't mind my asking.