Monday, August 11, 2008


As an afterthought of the post about the 3 idiots I mentioned 2 posts ago, I just wanted to say that I saw the movie I said I would see (the one with the thick-haired Ahmed Mekki was in).
Perhaps I judged him a little prematurely. The movie was mediocre enough for me to not want to leave early, and was quite funny as well. Despite the few parts that were incredibly lame and boring, it was an okay movie. However, too much of the same thing isn't good either.
I mean, his predecessor, Mohamed Sa'ad, made six consecutive movies with the exact same story line and plot - eventually, and to my relief, people got bored of it, so as funny as this movie was, I don't want to see it over and over again.


Anonymous said...

No one is perfect.

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